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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Mosqueda

Starting Preschool?

Today was Karina's first day of preschool (with mom). Since she's behind i am starting school with her to try to help her learn and overcome the obstacles that are hard for her right now so eventually she can go without me! There are some things she needs 1-1 with that the teachers don't quite have enough time to do with 8 other kids in the classroom.

We had a bit of a late start this morning (of course on the first day) because none of us slept good. So we got to school a little before 10, right when the kids were having snack. Karina was so excited to see so many "Babies" and she said "HI"...a lot!

Then we went outside where it was wet and rainy, another first for Karina. She liked playing at the water table and stood there for the first few minutes. After that she played in a car while her friend pushed her. Then i tried to get her to practice getting up and down from a platform they have on the playground that is a little higher that she's used to climbing up and down. After trying out the chalk board she mostly wanted to be held, by this time she was starting to get wet and also very sleepy (her nap is usually 9-10 or 11am).

It was a challenge keeping her awake, but once we went back inside she got another burst of energy to explore the room and new toys. She played with the cars, and the kitchen, and explored where she could climb up and stand up in the classroom.

She ran out of patients waiting for lunch and was so tired that we decided to go home for the day. But she must have been excited because in the car she ate a taco and some apple before falling deep asleep.

She even stayed asleep for me to move her from the car to her bed which NEVER happens! I was excited, i thought she was going to sleep for a long time, maybe even her two hour nap. But she woke up after about an hour.

Since she woke up at 12:30pm she has been in a fussy mood. I know she needs to sleep more, which makes me worry so much about her getting a seizure. Sleep is SO important so it makes me second guess whether we should keep trying to take her and keep trying to keep her awake until "nap time" at 12:30? Its so hard to make these decision, because my mother instincts say no just get her the sleep she needs. But its also so good for her to be around other kids and to be learning with them!

Watch the blog for updates on Karina and her preschool! I think we will try again tomorrow.

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