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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Mosqueda

How to start your own BLOG! Let nothing hold you back!

When you read the title, did you judge whether i know what i am doing or not? Because, to be honest, i did.

I jumped into this new universe of managing a brand/blog in the land of social media without really knowing a thing.

But my secret is, THATS OK!

I think its so easy to get scared away from the idea when we are constantly looking at what other people are saying and posting on social media. We might tell ourselves things like "i don't know how to do that!", or "I don't have those kind of things that decorate a beautiful picture". But what i have realized is, it takes time! Put in the work, JUMP IN! and you will learn!

If you don't believe scroll back to the beginning of some beautifully organized Instagram accounts, i guarantee they didn't start out so perfect either! If you don't find any, KEEP LOOKING. No i don't want you to waste time all day trying to find one so I'll use Amber Scholl for example. I was watching one of her videos about editing instagram photos and she scrolled to the beginning of her instagram feed and reveiled her posts have not always been so amazing and perfect, they were just NORMAL & AVERAGE! My mind was blown!

Around the same time i made that discovery i watched a video by my current favorite "Adventure Travel Journalists" blogging/vlogging changing the world, spreading the love FAMILY! THE BUCKET LIST FAMILY! If you haven't checked them out on youtube, do it! I love them! Not only are their kids adorable, not only are the good people trying to make the world a better place, but they give some VALUABLE advice, and lead my example. This world needs more people like them! So back to my story...

I was watching their video called "How we became a full-time Traveling Family" and he starts talking about how jumping out of your comfort zone if you feel compelled to do so, is the only way to live authentically. And to live authentically is how you find true happiness. I REALLY REALLY believe this. Everyone around me that is happy is sharing this advice! When i go to church, this is what they preach! To stop blaming everything for causing you to be unhappy, and STOP WAITING for things to happen. If you tell yourself "I'll be happy when i have a career and more money", "I'll be happy when I have a husband that treats me right", "Ill be happy when my kids are older and less dependent", "Ill be happy when i don't have to worry about this, or that", "My health makes me unhappy", etc, etc, etc! STOP NOW!

See that ALL of those things are connected to you living an authentic life!? This is what happens when we just try to follow the crowd, society. We aren't living authentically because we are too busy trying to imitate someone else's life!

That is why i decided to do this and jump in. I am trying daily, and it takes a lot of reminding myself, do what you feel in your heart!

Im allowed to be whoever i want every single day! I am allowed to do whatever i feel on social media because if someone does like it, they don't have to watch it! Im sure you've heard that before!

I have been researching tips and advice on ways to be organized when running a blog and working through social media, but have tried to steer away from posts about how to do things, because there is not ONE way.

I have STOPPED focusing on what Pinterest says. What looks good on Pinterest is already created, i want my home,blog, and LIFE to be unique to me my family and who WE are. Im even more excited about this! Because after scrolling and scrolling i think to myself, why should I try to recreate something? Its my life and it should be unique and authentic to me!

So there it is! The best advice i could ever give, which you can use when starting your own blog, and in EVERY OTHER aspect of your life! Don't wait for perfect, because who's making the rules on what "perfect" is anyway?

Here is me, today, with my perfect photo with the perfect background that is good enough for social media! :)

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